Monday, February 28, 2011

Text Aversion

I think I've figured it out and it's no one's fault but my own.

I have an aversion to texting because I am awful at small talk. I prefer phone or face to face conversation because I lack the ability to shoot the breeze with no purpose at all to the conversation.

Does that make me a snob? I think it does. And I'm the worst kind of snob because I don't THINK I'm a snob at all!

See, I really am genuinely interested in what people have to say, seriously! I fancy myself as a good listener, I like to hear what make people tick, why they are the way they are, everyone's got a story, right? However as of late I've been observing the way I get when the conversation has no real meaning or purpose for me or if the topic doesn't interest me in the least. Or maybe someone continues to make the same glaringly obvious bad choices in their personal lives.

I am a snob *sigh*.

It drives me nuts when I am having a lovely chat with someone and their smart phone is sitting right on the table and is going off because someone is texting them while they are talking to me. I expect to be the centre of attention, at least while we're talking. That could be viewed as pretty self-absorbed.

Or perhaps it isn't so self-involved but aware of my own self-worth. Aware that chatting with me is something to be enjoyed without distractions and visa versa. Maybe it's about respect.

There are things I want to shout to the rooftops about sometimes! Occasionally I have someone to rant to but mostly, it just swims around in my head. When I have a captive audience, I want to get it all out!

But I am not good at small talk. I know this about myself. Please understand if I don't reply right away to your text about stating the obvious like "It's wet outside today!"...

I am a texting snob.

Monday, February 14, 2011

V-day and Romance in a Tech World

It's Valentine's Day and while most people would agree, it is an occasion created by retail, it does put some pressure on couples to come up with some semblance of a romantic atmosphere.

And guys like this one, who proposed to his girlfriend at a movie theatre where he had designed a "trailer" of their courtship using Muppets and invited all their friends and family to be in the audience... as the proposal is at the end... oh and she said "yes" by the way... are gushed over by scads of women for their well-thought out plan...

Here's the video trailer he created

I think that there's nothing wrong with romance and having a day to remind us in our busy lives to slow down and appreciate the people in them, mostly for those who have been together for many years.

I didn't always think this way.

I think the trouble arises when we put, and perceive, unrealistic expectations. I have to lump myself into this category, as I was one of these people in the past...

I have never made it a secret that I prefer face to face conversations and if not that, voice to voice... but sometimes that's not possible.

Some people are romantic and some people are not. Some people are fantastic with expressing their emotions, some people find it difficult. Some people can write a love note like nobody's business. Some prefer to belt it out in a song or a dance. Sometimes a funny video from or a sappy quote found on a website, expresses one's feelings better than they can.

On a day like today, where romance is an expectation, what exactly is it that you expect?

I think for the most part, I'm not going to make friends by saying this, but for the most part, we women put  fantasy-like expectations on men that have not in any way, shape or form, displayed in the past that they are really that romantically-inclined. And furthermore, if you have some dream-like ideal of what you THINK you may be showered with and it doesn't come to fruition, you can't blame the poor sod, you can only blame yourself.

Appreciation is the key.

So maybe just a simple text of undying love or playful flirtation may be all the fella can muster at this point in the relationship. Maybe that would be the end for some or a wonderful beginning for others.

Maybe some guys don't even bother because the pressure to do something you'll love is too much to bare.

You can't change anyone, but you can change how you perceive them.

I can only say that once you stop putting expectations on people and accept them for the truly unique beings that they are, that's when real love rushes in.

And that's nothing you can create with technology or otherwise.

It just happens.

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ready to Confess?

While it raised alot of eyebrows this week, especially those practising Catholics, (I'm an RC=Retired Catholic) the Vatican has made it clear, there is no substitute for sitting in the confessional and dishing all your dirt to the priest, standing in for the Big Guy.

The headlines were of course designed to draw readers in but if you read deeper into the articles about Confession: A Roman Catholic iPhone app, you'd realize, the whole purpose is just to get you to examine your conscience... in other words... get all your ducks in a row so you don't forget to confess ALL your sins when you get into that little closed off room.

This is directly from iTunes:

"Designed to be used in the confessional, this app is the perfect aid for every penitent. With a personalized examination of conscience for each user, password protected profiles, and a step-by-step guide to the sacrament, this app invites Catholics to prayerfully prepare for and participate in the Rite of Penance. Individuals who have been away from the sacrament for some time will find Confession: A Roman Catholic App to be a useful and inviting tool."

And here's the link to the app itself!

For any who were raised in the Catholic church, you'll remember as a young person that the Sacrament of Penance was one of the most intimidating of all the practises. I'm not sure if everyone's experience was the same, but in the 8th grade, we had to take religion classes in preparation for our premier visit to that little house of sin. We were told what constituted a sin, that the priest represented God, and that as long as we confessed everything, and did the Acts of Contrition the priest told us to, we would be absolved of all of the wrongs, of course, until the next time.

In walks technology and ruffles some feathers. We all know that church-going numbers are dwindling, regardless of the doctrine or discipline, so what better way to top-up the collection plate than to charge a buck or two for a smart phone app that makes you feel like a better person?

Is that really the purpose? Not likely but I think the Roman Catholic Church is trying desperately to save face and appear "hip" and embracing of new technology. Something's got to take the attention away from all those lawsuits involving priests preying on children.

While I think it's a farce, in a way, you've got to commend the Catholic Church for at least creating something other than "bad press" and trying something new.

Will it bring people back through the doors and into the pews in droves?

About as much chance as Father Guido Sarcucci has of becoming Pope.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where did the time go?

It's February all ready! The most misspelled of the months!

I could muse that time disappeared because I don't have a fancy watch. But I still HAVE a watch, it's just a monster men's Timex with Indiglo and giant numbers (so I can see it in the middle of the night without glasses!) Plus it has a black strap so goes with anything!

It looks something like this except I don't have a calendar, likely because mine is so ancient, and the face is a bit scratched up!

I do, however, own a cool Citizen Eco-Drive that was give to me as a gift by a thoughtful ex! It's swanky with a pretty iridescent face and of course it's "green" but I've never warn it, never even charged it up! It's close to this version:

I like to be on time, early usually. I think it's considerate, always have. Something my parents ingrained into me, therefore, I'm typically wearing a timepiece.

I LOVE the old school pocket watches that you can find at antique stores and the like! It was likely a million years ago that you'd see nurses wearing watches pinned or clipped to their uniforms. I'm not sure if they can wear them at the hospital today.

I've had discussions with several "fitness friends" who like the excitement of having a heart rate monitor/GPS/stopwatch at their disposal, well on their wrist, and of course I think that's the norm.

Most people like the gadgetry. I remember my dad being one of the first people in his social circle to own one of those Casio calculator watches with the tiny numbers you had to use a pen to press.

I wonder though, if because of smart phones, there are a ton of people out there that don't even buy/wear a watch anymore. I'm sure there are some people that have never worn a watch. I've worn one for so long, I feel naked without it. Even on vacation to a sandy, warm destination, I still clip it on my beach bag so I know when it's Happy Hour! 

How many of you out there find it absolutely necessary to wear a watch and how many of you don't?

As we age, time seems to become so precious. Not watching it per se but LIVING in it. Kicking up your heels and living in the moment. That, I imagine, becomes tougher when you are watching the seconds, minutes and hours tick by.

Perhaps being concerned about time, is a waste of it.

I find if I'm sitting with someone, having lunch or coffee face to face, if I'm enjoying the conversation, time whizzes by and I feel no need to check the time!

I guess we should fill our time with those kinds of conversations!

I try not to look at my watch when I'm having a conversation. To me, it means something else is more important than the person talking.

I have to admit though, I've used it as an excuse to get out of an uncomfortable date.

Yeah, I'm "that" girl, but at least I can own up to it! I'm not a saint, not in a million years!

But I DO like to be on time!